The time must be going somewhere though because I haven't done laundry in almost a month, and I'm starting to run out of options.
I was going to update last Saturday, but I had to go to a crazy lamesauce wedding where they spent the entire ceremony warning the newlyweds about the "lure of the devil." So that was fun.
Some of my old regulars from the Cafe found me on Facebook, and according to everybody the entire place sucks balls now, and honestly who's going to tell all the crazy stories, if I'm not there to document them? Luckily we're not even close to finished.
January 3, 2012
"Can I get the account, please?"
Apparently, this customer meant "the check." People are friggin weird.
January 4, 2012
"Tonight somebody came up to me and told me that somebody else had left their gloves next to the window. They were socks. Worn, dirty, SOCKS.."
Honestly, I don't even understand this bullshit, because this crap happened in January, which means either they changed their socks at the restaurant, or just took off socks at the restaurant and then....walked out into the winter? What the fuck? Who are you? I bet you have foot herpes or corns or warts or something. Leaving nasty ass socks all over the place.
January 6, 2012
Table 17 brought their own bread and asked Meredith to make it into a sandwich.
NO. Just, NO.
And honestly, that wasn't the last time that happened. A few weeks before I quit the cafe some crazy lady brought her own bread for me to toast. WHY?!? Why would you do that? First of all, it's just a dumb stupid awful pain in the ass thing that you should never ever do....but also, isn't it like, against health code to bring in outside food? I don't know where the fuck your food has been. Maybe that bread was just in your pants. I don't know! Of course at that place, it was God forbid we ever say "no" to one of the precious UWSiders, so of course I'll take your bread and lovingly toast it with golden sunshine rays straight from the eyes of the baby jeebus.
One of the things I love about my new place is that people can't order anything that's not on the menu. And for the most part, the guests are pretty decent.
Of course, today I had a septuagenarian guy ask me if I'm a swimmer because he lives in a complex with a giant indoor pool and he wants to me to know I'm always welcome. So, you know , that's fun.
I promise myself to update this more frequently. I've also been promising myself that I'll do the laundry, and that has yet to happen.
One of these days. It'll happen!
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