Before I could say anything, she got a crazed look in her eye and asked me if there was a Radio Shack nearby. I didn't even know how to respond.
I feel like there's certain shit that should be obvious, and one of those things is...don't grab my ass. I personally don't like strangers touching me in general, but DUDE! My ASS!
You should not be touching my ass unless I'm fucking you, or maybe unless we're in a theatre dressing room situation. Ass grabbing runs rampant in theatre dressing rooms. It just kind of comes with the territory.
But in public? At a restaurant? Because you need to know if there's a RADIO SHACK nearby?
Bitch please. If you're close enough to pinch my butt, you're close enough for me to hear you say excuse me.
It still isn't as bad as the time I was talking to a table and some old dude came up behind me, grabbed me, said "thanks for everything" and kissed me on the cheek.
-feeling your pain, Caitlin. I had an older woman of indeterminate age once grab my wrist (hard) while I was whizzing by to get to the service window. She'd just been sat, wasn't in my section, but NEEDED to grab at someone because she was ' very hungry'. This was communicated in the whiniest most child-like voice a senior citizen could ever hope to produce. Ugh.