Thursday, May 22, 2014

Now, by popular demand

I've been working in hospitality for the past decade or so.  When you're a writer/singer/pianist/photographer/comedian/post-suicidal college dropout/ general waster of potential, it sort of comes with the territory.

And somehow, I've stuck with it. I always tell myself that one of these days I'll get a "real" job, but the truth of the matter is, I kind of love waiting.  Especially since I've moved to NYC.

I'm originally from Akron.  When I lived in Akron I worked at a chain restaurant for a few years, and really, back then all I had to worry about was staining my shirt with making virgin daiquiris for prom kids, or maybe getting dicked over by a non-tipping Lebron James. (Seriously, the guy's a shit head.)

These days, I work in a café on the Upper West Side.  And somehow, the lunatics gravitate towards us. More so than any place I've ever worked in NYC, or any restaurant I've ever worked in in general.

So hop aboard the crazy train.

Let's get going

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