Number one rule for getting along with Jammy: have lots of mustard. Mustard is important.
I can't really think of one specific incident that describes his character, so I suppose I'll just recall a series of anecdotes that seem to define him.
Jammy is a rather gregarious, outgoing fellow, and he loves to laugh...even if he doesn't understand the joke. One of my own standard responses for all situations is the phrase "your mom," and for some reason he ended up latching on to this. It took a while, of course. After he heard me use the phrase several times, he initially tried to use it in his own way. It began with
"C! How's your mum?"
which in turn led to,
"Why you hate mom so much?"
which finally led to this exchange,
Me: "Hey, is table 13 going to be ready any time soon?"
Jammy: "Your mom at table 13!"
Bravo, son. Bravo
Truly, I couldn't be prouder.
There was also that time when a trainee was complaining that a table had been somewhat snotty with her, and Jammy overheard her complaining. His response? "They make trouble? Send C over, she tell them 'YOU MOM'!" Pretty much.
Jammy likes to come in and greet you by asking "How are you? Medium rare?" (I still have yet to determine whether being "medium rare" is a good thing or a bad thing.) Or often he'll refer to the temperament of an unknown entity by saying "She is very rare now." I still have no idea what any of this means.
Of course one of the most interesting things about Jammy is his fascination with all things homosexual. Jammy is married (to a woman) but he's constantly talking about being gay, and grabbing any male employee he can get his hands on. One time my buddy GB actually spent brunch keeping a tally chart of the number of times Jammy grabbed his ass during the shift.
Or there was that time a few years back, right after gay marriage was legalized when Jammy spent the dinner shift carrying around a picture of a couple otherwise naked dudes wearing ass-less chaps and telling us all they were his friends who had just gotten married. Those are not your friends. Those are some dudes you found while trolling the internet. And quite honestly, they'd probably be terrified of you if they ever met you.
Jammy has a love of all things phallic. More than once I've caught him standing in the kitchen, fondling a salami. This is neither a lie, nor a euphemism. Or there was the time when I had an interaction with a table who said they wanted brussel sprouts without chorizo, then with chorizo, then back and forth etc etc. I was in the back recounting this story, and Jammy over heard, then responded with:
"No more chorizo! Tell them runner has got salami for them!" And then he grabbed his dick.
Jammy makes me laugh, but he's not always fun and games. He often stresses during brunch, and will run over anyone and anything in his way. If you're remotely near him when he wants to run food, he'll start to scream. Either that, or he'll start yelling "Beep beep!" Because, you know...that stuff helps.
Mostly though, he makes me giggle, especially when he starts yelling nonsensical phrases like "Next time, DOWNSTAIRS!" for no apparent reason.
He's weird as fuck, and somewhat insane, but I do love him. Just make sure that man has enough mustard to get him through the day.
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